Tuesday 15 October 2013

Walk of Faith and Thanksgiving

This year is the year of faith.  To mark the year of faith our school board has initiated a celebration of our faith through a pilgrimage with the cross, known as the Walk of Faith.  Over the past 2 weeks, our school has accepted the cross, celebrated our faith through liturgy and then carried the large cross to our neighbouring school.  This was a very memorable and reflective experience for students as they were able to carry the cross, as Jesus did.  The cross then proceeds to various schools in our community.  

This past week was also a short week, as we as a staff celebrated our Faith Day, which meant a P.A. Day for the kids.  This year's theme of faith day was 'service.'  We united as a staff to serve those less fortunate.  We made lunches and distributed them to the needy on the streets of Toronto.  While I know this does not permanently fix the problems on the streets, hopefully it helped make someone's day a bit easier.  Pictured above are Mrs. Albanese and myself, making sandwiches.

We celebrated Thanksgiving, giving thanks for our many blessings.  Here is our turkey craft.  We practised our fine-motor cutting and gluing with this fun activity.

We brainstormed what we were thankful for and practised our sight words at the same time.  This activity comes from my Sight-Word Read-Along Pack.  I always have these pages on big charts for choral reading with students.  I make it interactive as we circle or spell certain words, clap out syllables or use phonetic spellings to write/finish sentences.
We practised one to one correspondence and creating sets with our Thanksgiving Play dough mats.  You can find this product if you click here.  The students just love play dough!  This center never gets boring since I continually change the activity through the year by frequently changing the mats.

We have so many things to be thankful for.  It was such a beautiful weekend sharing it in the company of good friends and family!  I made this easy-peasy pumpkin barrel cake.  The idea came from Pinterest and was shown to me by my co-worker and friend.  I ran out of KitKats and had to get creative so I made it look like the barrel of pumpkins was overflowing!

That's it for now.  Wishing everyone a great week!

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