Friday 10 January 2014

Happy New Year! And a peek at our week

Happy New Year everyone!  It was so nice being off school for 2 weeks, but I'm also so glad to be back!  I thrive on routine structure, and while it was nice sleeping in until 7:30 each morning, it was good to get back into the swing of things.  I love this time of year teaching Kindergarten.  The kids have grown, matured, and know the rules and routines of the classroom so well that it runs like a well-oiled machine!  Their attention spans have grown and their skills have improved so we can do so much more together!

We talked about our New Year's resolutions this week and brainstormed them together.  The kids had so many things they wanted to learn to do this year...draw, cook, make rainbow loom bracelets, and more!  My ECE Linda is so creative!  I was off one day with my little guy who was sick and when I came back this beautiful display was on our front door!  I got the idea for this craft from my teaching partner Mrs. Albanese who got it from Julie Lee.  I love this on-line sharing community!

Right before the Christmas holidays, we had a Bright Links Board installed.  I told the kids that my New Year's resolution was to learn how to use it, and to use it daily with them with interactive games, songs, books and videos.  The kids loved using it to explore Starfall.

During our Guided Reading rotations we used our Winter playdough mats to practise making sets and count quantity.  You can find this product here.  This is a great way to develop 1:1 correspondence.  

We wrote in our Memory Books.  It is amazing to see the growth and development of the students from September to present in the way the JK's write their name and are able to represent themselves pictorally.  They are also adding detail to their drawings.  The first picture has snowflakes and the second has a really great snowman!  I'm sure the parents will love this keepsake charting their child's growth during their Kindergarten year at school.  Click here to find my Kindergtarten Memory Book.

The SK's are getting so good at phonetic spellings, and reading their sight words.  We always circle the words we know from the poem and this little one (like so many others) knew them all!  Next step for our writing: look at our Writing Checklists more to review our work before it's done (check for capitals, punctuation, etc.)

I'm also done my Write the Room, Long Vowels Pack.  It's on the printer as we speak and I can't wait to use it with the kids this term.  Check it out by clicking here, or click the picture below.

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